Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

How You Can Help GMX to Support UNICEF’s Schools for Africa

GMX Update

Dear GMX Member,

From Rwanda to South Africa, Schools for Africa is UNICEF's program to help children in Sub-Saharan Africa to go to school. GMX supports Schools for Africa and you can help, too, even without spending money.

Recommend GMX Mail to your friends now – and for every new member, we will donate 1 US dollar to Schools for Africa.

Schools for Africa - What is it?

UNICEF is currently raising 50 million dollars to:
build and repair 1,000 schools in six African countries
provide 4,000,000 boys and girls with a safe place to learn and play regardless of their social, ethnic, or religious backgrounds
give them exercise books, pencils and other learning materials
provide access to clean water and sanitation facilities in these schools
train 80,000 teachers so that they can provide children with quality basic education and basic life skills
ensure that children are informed on day to day hygiene, health issues and HIV prevention.

How can you help?

It's simple! For every new GMX Mail user, we will donate 1 US dollar to Schools for Africa. So, if you would like to help Schools for Africa, too, all you have to do is this:

Recommend our free e-mail service to your friends.

When they sign-up for a new GMX Mail account and login at least once within four weeks following their registration, we will donate 1 US dollar to Schools for Africa.

Help us support Schools for Africa and recommend GMX Mail to your friends now.

Thank you for supporting this good cause.

Kind regards,

Your GMX Team

Did you know...
... that we've changed the way GMX Mail looks and feels?

If you've logged in to your GMX Mail account recently, you'll immediately notice something different. We've improved the overall appearance to make e-mail management much, much easier for you. You now have more space for your e-mails and a better overview of your folders.

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